Concerns, Complaints and Compliments

At Parkside Family Practice, we aim to provide an impeccable service to all our patients. We do understand that some patients may not be happy with the service we provide, and want to make a comment, complaint, or suggestion. Please feel free to voice your comments compliments or suggestions to us in writing.

Our practice manager Leo Ashton is very proactive manager and deals with all complaints seriously. Please note if you are making a complaint on behalf of someone else their consent will need to be obtained. We do have complaints forms which are available at our reception desks at both sites.

If you feel like talking about the complaint directly to the practice manager, you can ask our reception team to book an appointment with him. Leo will aim to respond to your complaint as soon as possible and if he needs to, he will contact you directly.

The contact details are:

Alternatively you can contact Patient and Liaison Team (PALS)